Flightcase 2x Stairville Infinite Pixel 250

SKU: 560860 Category:


Estimated delivery time: 30-35


Matching chest case for 2 Stairville Infinite Pixel 250
made of 6.8 mm multiplex wood coated with phenolic resin,
Color: brown,
30×30 aluminum edge,
4x L-corner medium,
4x folding handle medium,
2x Butterfly medium,
2x large locking hinge,
4x ball corner medium,
4x ball corner medium with L-corner,
4x 100mm swivel castors / 2 of them braked,
central 15cm wide accessory compartment,
foam padding,
Made in Germany
External dimensions: WxDxH 865x580x830 mm
Weight 32.8kg