Mischpult Cases
Case Roland V-02 HD Micor Video Switcher
115,00 €Voir
suitable Flightcase for Roland V-1HD, 6,8mm honeycomb plastic, colour: black, 22 x 22mm Aluminium profile, 2 Butterfly-Catches small, 1 Case
Flightcase Roland V-01 HD
117,00 €Voir
suitable Flightcase for Roland V-1HD, 6,8mm honeycomb plastic, colour: black, 22 x 22mm Aluminium profile, 2 Butterfly-Catches small, 1 Case
Flightcase grandMA3 onPC Command Wing
354,00 €Voir
Live Case for grandMA3 Command Wing, built of 6,8 mm birch plywood coated Colour: black 30×30 mm aluminium profile 4
Mixercase Behringer PMH-3000 / PMP-3000 / PMP-4000
220,00 €Voir
For Behringer PMH-3000 / PMP-3000 / PMP-4000 Made from 7 mm birch plywood 25 x 25 mm aluminium edges 2
Flightcase Avid Pro Tools S3
258,00 €Voir
suitable Case Avid Pro Tools S3; Hood case fits an Avid Pro Tools S3 controller, made of 6.8mm birch plywood
Flightcase Roland VR-1HD
175,00 €Voir
Suitable Hoodcase for Roland VR-1 HD Video-Mixer with space for Cable 6,8mm plywood phenol 22 x 22 mm Aluminium profile
Mixercase Dynacord Powermate 2200-3
285,00 €Voir
suitable flight case for Dynacord powermate 2200-3 constructed for the mixer without lid From 7 mm birch plywood 25 x
Haubencase Zero 88 Jester 24/48
220,00 €Voir
Suitable hoodcase for zero 88 Jester 24/48 lightmixer 6,8mm plywood phenol Colour: brown 25/25 mm aluminium rails 2 Butterfly-catches medium
Mixercase A&H SQ-6 + Dockhouse / Rollen Farbe
693,00 €Voir
Haubencase auf Rollen (2x gebremst) mit Schaumstoffpolsterung für ein A&H SQ-6 inkl. einem 120mm tiefen Dockhouse hinten; 7mm Birkenmultiplex farbig
Jands Stage CL DMX Mischpult Case
189,00 €Voir
Haube 520 x 300 x 70 mm BxTxH 7mm Birkenmultiplex phenolharzbeschichtet 25/25 Alukante 2x Butterfly-Verschluss klein 1x Riemengriff 8x Kugelecke